Does Anybody Know of a Drug Addiction Hotline?

Question by Ivan: Does anybody know of a drug addiction hotline?
Does anybody know of a drug addiction hotline where I can call and just have someone to talk to about my problems I don’t want something that will suggest a rehab I want a person that will talk to me just talk does that exist ?

Best answer:

Answer by Joseph Pablo
(877) 597-2551
(866) 250 9421
(888) 491-1165
(888) 703-7838

Call: 855-648-4747. they can help

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Free Addiction Hotline – Seek a Professional Help Now! – – Free Addiction Hotline! Choose the Right Addiction Treatment Center Today! Call Addiction Hotline 800-232-1444.


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For a regular person, it could be something like calling an addiction hotline or sending a text message to a number which donates money to a political campaign — what was discussed or how much you donated isn't particularly important next to the …
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Symptoms also can help residents determine if someone is using meth. … Addiction to it can cause damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and brain. In some … People can call the METRICH crime tip hotline at 419-52-CRIME (419-522-7463) or 419-755-9728.
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