prescription drug

Part 9: Hidden Crisis, Prescription Drug and Herion Addiction in Westmoreland County

...  9: Hidden Crisis, Prescription Drug and Herion Addiction in Westmoreland County — Congressman Tim Murphy hosts a Congressional Forum “Hidden Crisis: Prescription Drug and Herion Addiction in Our Community.” With heroin and prescription dru…Tags: prescription drug, tim murphy ...

In US, an Epidemic of Prescription Drug Abuse : Learning English

...  US, an Epidemic of Prescription Drug Abuse : Learning English — Learn English Conversation is a free Channel for English learners. You will find free English vocabulary Videos, English grammar Videos, English exercises an…Tags: prescription drug abuse, drug abuse, prescription drug ...


...  ON DRUG ABUSE AND TREATMENT OPTIONS: Special state … But in addition to the horror stories, members of the Special Senate Committee on Drug Abuse and Treatment Options heard stories of success as well, along with recommendations on how to combat the growing problems on a statewide basis. Senate … Read more on Wicked Local PlymouthDeadly addiction: Heroin use, a tragic wrong turn for prescription drug … In many cases the drug is heroin. Its use has reached crisis levels in the region, across the state and nationwide, leading to a spike in the number of overdose deaths and an increased push by legislators for public education and resources for … Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)    Read ...

Perscription Drug Addiction?

...  by Mark O: Perscription Drug Addiction? How do you tell if someone has a prescription drug addiction? Is it similar to an illegal drug addiction? I have a loved one who I am very concerned about. They take prescription drugs for medical purposes. But they affect them the same way that illegal drugs affect others. They take 35 every day. They are a nurse. They can give a medical justification for every one of them. But the way they react at different times makes me wonder. Their emotions go up and down. They have the same reactions as a drug addict. Can someone give ...

Prescription Drug Abuse Increases on US Campuses

Prescription Drug Abuse Increases on US Campuses As of 2013, Arkansas had the highest rate of teen prescription abuse, according to Community Organization for Drug Education. Abuse of pain relievers is the highest rate among ages 12-25. Seventy percent of people in that age group admitted to … Read more on The Arkanas TravellerFormer offenders graduate Will County drug court The judge said statistics show that offering drug abusers treatment and counseling helps to reduce recidivism rates. ...

Data on Drug Addiction?

Question by thecheapest902: data on drug addiction? I would like to have any data on drug addiction in the world, how many percentage of its people are addicted by country. It’s better if there is any additional information on drug abuse among celebrities in US and other countries. Best answer: Answer by Annahow many people are addicted uhhh….uhhhh……….. alot? *puff*    Read more... ...