Behind the Orange Curtain Sizzle


Behind the Orange Curtain Sizzle – Behind the Orange Curtain is a documentary that will delve into the staggering problem of teenage Rx drug abuse in one of the most affluent counties in the country. Young, privileged teenagers are dying of drug overdoses in record numbers in Orange County, California. In particular prosperous cities like Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach and Newport Beach. This documentary film will set out to ask the question…..why?


Drug abuse: Opana overtakes OxyContin in U.S.

Filed under: California Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is the nation's fastest-growing drug problem, the White House Office on National Drug Policy says. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified the misuse of these powerful painkillers as an epidemic, with 1.3 …
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County Drug Discount Program Up for Renewal

Filed under: California Drug Abuse

… the program, according to the staff report. Staff is recommending that the supervisors renew an agreement with the firm that runs the program, Financial Marketing Concepts, and use the revenue to promote the program to uninsured and under-insured …