How to Get a Job Again as an RN Following Battle With Drug Addiction?

Question by rowanwsmommy: How to get a job again as an RN following battle with drug addiction?
I am a BSN RN in Washington State. I have been clean and sober for a year and I have an active license here in Washington but I haven’t worker in 4 years. I am also on methadone maintenance. I’m really confused about what my options are for work and how to get back to doing what I love so much. Is one allowed to work as an RN while on methadone? I have never diverted or anything like that. Has anyone else got any experience with this issue?

Best answer:

Answer by KIZIAH
You might consider working at a drug rehab center. They hire nurses who have been there in hopes that they will understand and share compassion with a person having a drug or alcohol problem. I don’t know about the methadone maintenance part. It sure can’t hurt to talk to someone. Maybe the agency where you get your methadone could assist you in this.

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