Isn’t California Already on Drugs?

Question by prouddaddy: Isn’t California already on drugs?

So the latest news is that potheads want to alliviate California’s budget crisis by smoking pot. Isn’t that how those lawmakers got to that point anyway?

Pothead lawmakers in a spending frenzy?

I can hear them now….”hey dude wanna billion dollars to fix your probs?…whatever dude”

Best answer:

Answer by the real Jared
Look up Mendocino County, California. 1/3 of their entire economy is based on weed sales. No, I’m not exaggerating.

Doesn’t this sort of thing seem like a kind of commodity that would be beneficial to legalize and tax? Just sayin’.

Answer by Phil M
taxing pot would create a giant revenue stream…

That is what they’re referring to. But if you want to keep locking people up for smoking a doobie go for it…it wouldn’t be the first/last time unreasonable laws were continually enforced despite never alleviating the actual problem they were designed to solve.