Regarding the Legalization of Drugs: How Far Should We Go on the State Level?

Question by Grand Theft Pants™ (the 7th): Regarding the legalization of drugs: How far should we go on the state level?
I believe that the federal ban on drugs is Unconstitutional…so that makes it a state and local issue.

Would you support the legalization of say…marijuana?

the issue of marijuana isn’t that big of a deal to me…I don’t think it would be too bad if it was legalized.

How about Harder drugs like Crystal Meth?

I know it’s easy to say that it’s a “victimless crime” but for drugs like crystal meth….Many robberies are drug related because some addict is in a frenzy to get money for it.
There is definitely a case FOR legalizing weed, but there is also one for keeping it illegal on a state level. The gateway affect is a totally reasonable argument…

Anyways…persuade me.

Best answer:

Answer by IK
I support the legalization of any drug that doesn’t kill a person. Meth does kill, Marijuana does not. Salvia, currently legal but is being attacked, also doesn’t kill.

Answer by Otto Maddox
I say legalize ALL OF IT.

The only reason people rob for drug money is because they are illegal. Which raises the price. If drugs were legal the price would drop.

No one is robbing people for beer money for example. The intrinsic value of crack or weed or heroin is low. It’s expensive because of the risks associated with smuggling it into the country.

The truth is anyone who wants to smoke weed, or crack, or snort coke, does already. We’re just kidding ourselves with these laws.

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