Information on Drugs ?

Question by Adulthood: Information on drugs ?
Im doing a campaign at college in health and social, im doing it on drugs, i need to find alot of resources, leaflets/posters/etc. Ive orderd from FRANK website, and tried many others that dont even work, ive rang my local drug organisation they are sending me some during the next week.

Is there any site, or anything where i can order alot of rescoures from? please i really need help 🙁 thankss

Best answer:

Answer by misskris
Dear Information on drugs,

There are many websites that you can download articles from but if you want actual leaflets on substance abuse and if your prepared to do some leg work, ie walking….

use your local street/phone directory and look under the various listing for drug abuse etc and visit these places personally as they often have wall fulls of information. Most rehab places will have the same. Any public place such as community health centres can be also very helpful.

Hope that gets you going

Kindest Regards
Miss Kris

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