Drug Addicted Family Member and Christmas?
Question by Blundt Cake: Drug addicted family member and Christmas?
My brother is a drug addict. He’s done everything drug addicts do- lies, steals, crashes with withdrawals, lashes out, mistreats people, “borrows” money, blames everyone, uses people, lives in denial, can’t keep a job, doesn’t pay bills.
He has treated my mother like dirt, doing everything to her just listed including standing outside her house screaming and cursing at her and most recently stealing Xmas gifts from her house that she bought for other people.
She has bailed him out for years — picked him up from ER, jail, court, gave him money (thousands!), paid his rent, bought food, etc. etc. etc.
I live far away so he hasn’t done anything to me personally. Although the last time I saw him (fairly recently, after not seeing him for a year) he told me to f— off.
Because of how he has treated my mom, I don’t want him around. He’s not welcome in my home or my life.
Am I right?
PS the only “help” he wants is for people to give him money, because he says he “doesn’t use drugs” and everyone is WAY out of line for even mentioning it.
Best answer:
Answer by fifthwheel948
Yes you are right. 100% right. Unless you enjoy being told to f— off, unless you enjoy someone stealing your money, unless you enjoy being treated like dirt, you are and will continue to be right.
Answer by Sean Roberts
You are right. If you help him, then you are enabling his drug addiction. In addition, he is using you as a door mat. Nobody has the right to treat you like a door mat.
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