How’s Job Opprtunity for LPN?
Question by : how’s job opprtunity for LPN?
i applied to LPN, and i know, most hospital hire RN. i am thinking about transfer program after i finish LPN program..job opprtunity is huge different? is it really hard to get a job as LPN? i live in MI..
Best answer:
Answer by Astral
A lot of places are phasing out the LPN position. It is true, hospitals are hiring RN’s. My local tech college flat out axed the LPN program but now offers a two year RN assosiate’s degree, which might be something to look into. It’s an extra year or two for a higher salary base. But nursing homes and doctor’s offices are still looking for LPN’s if that is what you want to do.
Answer by uncertain/what2do
I actually went the LPN route, it was great for me to be able to work and make descent pay while in school for my RN. I think it is ideal for a lot of people who want to get into nursing, but can’t quit working or commit 2+ years full time study. Though most hospitals don’t hire LPNs much, LPNs have a great variety of opportunities; they can be hired in long term care facilities, home health, prisons, some school districts and health departments, clinics, doctors offices, physical and drug rehab centers, methodone clinics, urgent care centers, hospice, etc. Job markets in individual cities can vary. I never had a hard time finding a job and have worked in a wide variety of fields, but I am not in Michigan. My suggestion would be check out the MI forum at allnurses: . It is a great website to get advise and ideas from nurses and nursing students.
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