How Weed Won the West Part 1


How Weed Won The West part 1 – In the follow-up to his ground-breaking documentary ‘American Drug War,’ filmmaker Kevin Booth traces the fight against Federal drug regulation in the State of California. A public majority has spoken and said yes to states rights, allowing for the use of medicinal marijuana and opening up a new front in controversial medicinal ‘dispensaries.’ While users herald the freedom of legally-licensed “weed,” powerful forces at the DEA and law enforcement haven’t given up their federal enforcement power yet. Many dispensaries have been raided, targeting their distribution of marijuana and challenging their authority to rise into legitimate business. In the backdrop of this public dispute is the Dark Alliance– where governments handle the volume of drug trafficking and work with cartels and drug dealers to manage the drug flow. Just like the prohibition of alcohol, drugs have thrived on their illicit appeal, and doomed millions of non-violent offenders to incarceration and prosecution. Now, those swearing by the healing power of medicinal marijuana as well as those who simply refuse to be outlawed by a hypocritical rogue government are daring to stand up and declare that the violence, corruption and uncontrolled flow of drugs is due to the prohibition of the substance, not the substance itself. Big Pharma has put millions of non-“drug” users on hallucinogenic prescription drugs and instituted new forms of addiction and dependency, challenging our outdated notions that is only


New Benzodiazepine Formulations for Seizure Clusters

Filed under: Drug Use California

San Diego, California — It's still early days, but brand-new formulations of rescue benzodiazepine could be in store for patients who have acute repetitive seizures (ARS). Promising … The nasal spray in development could eventually offer an easy-to …
Read more on Medscape


Addiction Treatment Pioneer Dr. A.R. Mohammad Addresses Need for

Filed under: Drug Use California

Dr. Akikur Mohammad, Founder of Inspire Malibu, recognized by many as the top drug rehab and addiction treatment centers in Malibu, California and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern …
Read more on Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)