Looking for a Good Christian Drug Rehab Program for Women?
Question by Jonathan: Looking for a good Christian drug rehab program for women?
I have a 25 year old friend who needs lots of counseling and drug rehab. I am looking for a Christian women’s counseling center. I want something that is at least 6 months all the way up to 15 months and she lives there. Anyone know of any good ones? She currently lives in New Jersey but could travel anywhere.
Best answer:
Answer by Shannon W
news flash you do know that in your picture you are a guy
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Christian Drug Rehab Center — Step 5 – Christian drug rehab center – Step 5 to successful recovery www.therecoveryplace.net (877) 231-1827 Charlotte, clinician in the Christian alcohol and drug rehab program at The Recovery Place, talks about step 5 from the Christian 12 steps to recovery. Step 5 involves great strength and courage in a person to admit to another human being all the shortcomings of their past. Often times an individual will feel great relief after opening up to another trusted person the list of failings from Step 4, and can really begin the healing process. The Recovery Place Christian alcohol and drug rehab program utilizes the 12 Steps to recovery by implementing each step’s significance within addiction recovery.
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RT @dynamicboy90: Christian Drug Rehab | Our Masters Camp | 90 DAYS ,900 http://t.co/xJDH6BNc via @po_st – by CoolDoodTrickz (CoolDoodTricks)
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RT @dynamicboy90: Christian Drug Rehab | Our Masters Camp | 90 DAYS ,900 http://t.co/xJDH6BNc via @po_st – by hoxuongrong (H? x??ng r?ng)
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RT @dynamicboy90: Christian Drug Rehab | Our Masters Camp | 90 DAYS ,900 http://t.co/xJDH6BNc via @po_st – by kauwin (matuis)