Addiction and the Brain – Drug or Alcohol Abuse Is a Disease.


Addiction and the Brain – drug or alcohol abuse is a disease. – Tim Brunson, PhD, talks about how the brain works regarding addictions (alcohol, drug addiction). Why does your brain respond to repeated behavior? How can you use suggestion and imagination to create an alternate reward instead of alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs? Listen to this video on addictions and find answers!


Ask Dr. K: Anthony L. Komaroff: There are degrees of drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

are unable to stop using the drug, having repeated, failed attempts to stop or cut down. · spend a lot of time obtaining, thinking about or using the drug. Just in from the right end are those with substance abuse. This is milder than addiction; it …
Read more on Monterey County Herald


Octomom’s rehab NOT due to Michael Lohan: rep

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

"Nadya wanted to check herself into treatment and came to me for help, and I got her in," she said. At present, Lohan is running a Florida-based nonprofit that helps stage interventions for people in need of treatment for substance abuse, he told TMZ …
Read more on New York Daily News