Question by dkalltheway87: Addictions.?
Such a Big WORD they use these days.
Addiction, what can it be? how can you tell if i am addicted to something? is there bad and good addiction in life? not material wise but emotional or mentally addictions?
Best answer:
Answer by Heather V
addiction is a powerful word bc it in itself is extremly powerful. one can become addicted to anything from drugs, alcohol, shopping, men, women… etc. sometimes it is called a compulsion bc you can no longer control yourself and your urges.
Answer by Momo M
An addiction is something that you think you need or must have. i dont think there are good addictions because either way when you cant have the thing that your addicted to you will react badly. You can tell that your addicted to something by just trying to not do it for a while, if that causes a real problem for you than your probably addicted.
Bedford Heroin Rally: 'People Need Help'
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New Addiction Helpline Aids Teens Looking to Overcome Substance Abuse
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Read more on PR Web (press release)