Bradford Health Services – Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Chemical Dependency.mp4


Bradford Health Services – Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Chemical Dependency.mp4 – Recovery Moments Classic signs of depression include emotional, physical, and behavioral changes in affected individuals. One of the most notable emotional changes is decreased participation in previously enjoyable activities. Outgoing people may become reclusive; and previously happy people may become short-tempered and irritable. Depression and chemical dependency can also manifest themselves through significant changes in eating and sleeping, such as eating too little and sleeping too much or vice versa. Chronic illness and physical symptoms of withdrawal — such as shaking, nausea, headaches, weight loss, or vomiting — can also indicate a depression and chemical dependency problem. Another common behavior of depressed people and those suffering from chemical dependency is to isolate themselves from friends, family, and co-workers. They may also become increasingly irresponsible — forgetting to pay bills, driving recklessly, missing school or work, or forgetting appointments, for example. Thank you for watching this short video and taking the first step to build a solid foundation to recovery. A foundation built on knowledge, love and compassion. We want you, your family and friends to live a life free from addiction. A life full of Hope. Help is out there. Don’t miss the opportunity to reach out for help. Be prepared with the knowledge and a plan to change a life in an amazing and positive way. For immediate help call Bradford Health Services 888.577.0012 Twitter


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