Can I Join the Military if I Have Been to Drug Rehab?

Question by nofx41434: Can I join the Military if I have been to drug rehab?
In 2008 I went to drug rehab for one month because of oxycontin addiction. RIght now I am serving in the California Conservation Corp. When I am discharged from the CCC is there any chance that I can enlist in the Military? I have been clean with no relapses or charges.

Best answer:

Answer by PFC Joe
If there was an arrest related to it, you may need a waiver. Otherwise, so long as it is out of your system and won’t show up on the drug test at MEPS, you should be able to enlist so long as you meet the other qualifications such as scoring well enough on the AFQT/ASVAB, the physical requirements, and nothing else that would disqualify you.

Answer by Marine5
Nope…No Waivers for Drugs…