Christian Counseling Associate of Western Pennsylvania
Christian Counseling Associate of Western Pennsylvania – 724-396-1510. With over 25 locations, Christian Counseling Associates of Western Pennsylvania is ready to serve you, providing a wide range of counseling services. Christian Counseling is accessible to everyone. We serve both Christians who want their faith integrated into the counseling process, or those holding any beliefs or attitudes toward spirituality. With many years of counseling experience, our counselors are professional, licensed, highly trained and rooted in their commitment to their church and communities. Christian counseling provides faith-based strategies to resolve emotional problems or life issues such as anxiety, depression, unresolved anger, addiction or work problems. Counseling seeks to identify issues that have you feeling “stuck” and then work to develop strategies for meaningful change. Struggling with marriage or family issues? There is hope. Relationships can be restored. Our counselors can help. Call us. Our dedicated phone staff is available to take your call and match you with a counselor on our staff who is well suited to your need. With many locations, our offices are close to you and offer a confidential, comfortable environment. Christian Counseling Associates is also able to provide psychological or mental health testing for individuals, groups, and corporations. In addition, Dr. Richard Hoffman , our clinical director and the staff are available for half or full day workshops that address any need that …
Former Little Rock Diagnostic Nurse Pleads Guilty to Aiding, Abetting in Rx …
Filed under: drug abuse help websites
If someone you know is involved in the abuse of prescription drugs, educate yourself, talk to them, take them to a substance abuse program, and seek medical advice. You can help prevent a loved one or co-worker from losing their career and you must …
Read more on KARK
Narconon Of Georgia Increases Community Involvement In Drug Prevention In …
Filed under: drug abuse help websites
One organization, Narconon of Georgia has stepped into help with this growing problem as part of the non-profit facility's mission is to provide information and education to the community on the ever growing problem of substance abuse. By educating the …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
Study offers incarcerations rate solution
Filed under: drug abuse help websites
According to the final report, two of every three individuals entering West Virginia prisons in 2011 needed substance abuse treatment. Another cause for concern is the fact that more than one of every four people released from prison in 2008 was back …
Read more on spiritofjefferson (blog)