Crystal Meth Before & After and Its Devastating Effects
Crystal Meth Before & After and its Devastating Effects – Chrystal Meth (methylamphetamine) also known as Ice, Tina, or Glass is one harsh drug that can ravage your physical appearance such as rotting teeth and causes damage to the brain and internal organs. This street drug is easily made and sold and can be very addictive as it is a stimulant and many are attracted to it as it heightens concentration, energy, and alertness while decreasing appetite and fatigue.Many fall for this drug as a way of escape from pain or abuse,neglect,failed relationships,or just the appeal it has to help stay awake for long periods of time. Effects of Overdose due to Chrystal Meth are: •Brain damage •Sensation of flesh crawling (formication) •Paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, tension headache •Muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis) which can lead to kidney damage or failure •Death due to stroke, cardiac arrest or elevated body temperature (hyperthermia)
Innocents suffer meth's effects
Filed under: effects of drug addiction
It is no secret that drug abuse affects more than just the user. But methamphetamine use is perhaps unique in that its negative side effects extend far beyond the user to innocent strangers. Meth addiction, with its brutal physical ravages, is almost …
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Sheriff Brings Face2Face Drug Program To Leicester Middle School
Filed under: effects of drug addiction
The Face2Face system uses special computer software to simulate the shocking effects substance abuse can have on a person's appearance over time. Students saw firsthand the potential devastating impact that drug use could have on their classmates.
Read more on The Daily Voice