Drug Treatment Centers Fresno

Substance Abuse Training for Employees

substance abuse training for employees — This is a psycho-educational addiction and psychological health recovery system readily available 24/7. It’s got resources no matter whether you might be one…

Phlebotomy in California? Interested.?

Question by Bosnianguy: Phlebotomy in California? Interested.?
I am 19 years old, a male.. I am interested in taking a Phlebotomy course that starts next month. I’m just looking for a good paying job right now, and I heard they get paid good starting.

What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Pooky
It doesn’t pay badly, but there is a limit of how much one gets paid (which is less than a LVN and much less than an RN).

Not a bad job if you don’t mind that you will have to draw blood from babies, too.

ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse @ College-So What?

ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse @ College-so what? — Teen Drug Abuse, or more specifically prescription drug abuse continues to rise. ADHD students in High School and College are selling or giving prescription …

Pasadena CA Drug & Alcohol Rehab 626-788-5216

Pasadena CA Drug & Alcohol Rehab 626-788-5216 — http://alcoholdrugrehabca.org/pasadena/ Pasadena CA Addiction Help Today 626-788-5216 Trying to find a drug addiction rehabilitation? Phone us for additional…

Christian Treatment Programs??

Question by stolenvoice_x: christian treatment programs??
I am looking for a christian based place to go for residential treatment. I was looking into Mercy Ministries and I am pretty much a no on that and I am a DEFINITE NO on teen challenge. Preferably somewhere in Michigan. Mercy seemed so practical because it’s free, and really sounds like what I need but it’s pretty far away and they require a 6 month commitment and I don’t think I could commit to that. I am struggling with a lot right now… I am only now dealing with a rape that occured in 2002, I have been self-injuring for 10 years now and drug/alcohol dependent among lots of other things. I have been in the hospital (mental ward) about 13+ times now, residential rehab once, outpatient rehab once, I guess the list could go on.. I really need some help…. really bad… soon.. I think about suicide way too often.
I’m really scared of being in a strict, religious environment. I was raised christian but walked away from god and the church and I get really angry when I think about god, or hear people talk about him… almost enraged..
I don’t know if I can handle it.. and as for strict, I’ve always been allowed to do what I want.. so yea, I’m terrified… but I need the help. Possibly long term but not a year long.. 🙁 I dont know what to do!!!!! I need help but nothing has worked!
because like i said, nothing else has worked.

Delray Beach Florida Addiction Treatment Lecture Part (1)

Delray Beach Florida Addiction Treatment Lecture Part (1) — http://www.palmpartners.com In this video, Gerry Egan, from Palm Partners Drug and Alcohol speaks to the topic of Understanding Addiction. At Palm Partners o…