Drug Treatment Programs Long Island | Drug Rehab Long Island
Drug Treatment Programs Long Island | Drug Rehab Long Island – http://drugrehablongisland.net Drug Treatment Programs Long Island’s rehab program includes detox, counseling, aftercare services, and more for drug, alcohol…
Prime for Life helps Marines, sailors
Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs
Prime for Life is a free course conducted aboard base and available to all active duty Marines, sailors, and qualified family members struggling with alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Prime for Life is an education level class and not a treatment program.
Read more on Marines.mil (press release)
Pasco commissioner hopes tale of daughter's addictions, death prevents others
Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs
She returned to New York and entered a drug treatment program. The pattern had been set, and no matter how often Susan seemed ready to get clean, something bad would happen. "I've thought about this a lot,'' Mulieri said, "and I believe we missed the …
Read more on Tampabay.com