How Am I Going to Find an Addiction Treatment Center in Batesville, Arkansas?

Question by darby lw: How am I going to find an addiction treatment center in Batesville, Arkansas?
I have to find an addiction treatment center for a cousin of mine who has gotten herself addicted to heroin. It was her first try that did it. She got hooked after that. Now she wants to stop, but she needs help. Can somebody tell me how to find addiction treatment centers here?

Best answer:

Answer by aleah s
You can take your cousin to a doctor and then ask for recommendations. You can also call 800-559-9503. It’s a helpline and the people on the other end of the line are really friendly and they’ll be ready to answer your queries as well as give you suggestions about the addiction treatment centers there. You can also check out the links that I put below. They might be able to help you out. Good luck!

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Fifa pack opening addiction helpline (parody) – Follow me on twitter:


From Twitter:

How Helpful is that Helpline? – A Guide to Finding Addiction Help on the Internet – by Filomenatm760 (Filomena Overbee)


From Twitter:

How Helpful is that Helpline? – A Guide to Finding Addiction Help on the Internet – by Martizc75 (Marti Condict)


From Twitter:

Our helpline, open 9am-9pm, is 0845 388 3853. We aim to be a lifeline for families struggling with the gut wrenching nightmare of addiction. – by DrugFAM (DrugFAM Charity)