How Do I Thank a Teacher?

Question by OakTownPlaya: How do i thank a teacher?
I’m attending rehab for drug use nd a teacher gave me a gift. how should I thank her? 4 x-mas i got a gift and thanked her for caring. What should i do if anything now? She is 1 of the few adults that really care and its weird cause shes a teach, shes chill tho. No BS please
WAIT sorry i already ready the book, should i tell her or pretend that i havent read it
Thanks everyone, a letter is what i will do. What hsould i do about the book

Best answer:

Answer by The Buddie
leave an apple on their desk

Answer by alwaysmoose
Keep her up to date on your successes. That’s what will really be rewarding to her over any material gift you could give.

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