I Need the Name of a in-Patient Drug Treatment Facility Where My Daughter Can Have Her 4 Week Old Son?

Question by rb_32368: I need the name of a in-patient drug treatment facility where my daughter can have her 4 week old son?
does anyone know of a drug treatment facility in washington state where new mothers can have thier baby stay at the facility with them? My daughter is a single mother, 20yrs old and my beautiful grandson is 4 weeks old. I want to keep them together if possible but there is no getting out of going to treatment for my daughter. it would be best for both of them to go together so please help with any info you may have. thank you very much for your time.

Best answer:

Answer by gypsy pirate
You are kidding aren’t you??
If your daughter has a drug habit bad enough to warrant going into a treatment facility I would want to keep my grandson well away from her until she gets her act together.
Was your grandson born with a drug habit as well?

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