Is It Legal for States to Allow Drug Addicts Who Happen to Be Doctors to Practice Medicine?
Question by humpty dumpty: Is it legal for States to allow drug addicts who happen to be Doctors to practice medicine?
Read a news article yesterday that all 50 states currently protect the identity of doctors who are drug addicts and alcoholics; California just past a law to stop protecting their names. I would like to encourage everyone to write their Congressman, it could be your child, or another love one that one of these quacks is providing medical services.
Best answer:
Answer by ChoirCutie
I hope not!!!!!
Answer by Cindi W
It’s not just doctors—they need to add dentists and pharmacists as well. These people usually get a slap on the hand—go to rehab (joke) and then get PTI (Pre-Trial Intervention). They are then put on probation for a couple of years—and if they are GOOD–their record is expunged.
This site
will show you those profesionalls who were excluded from any federal program like Medicaid/Medicare and will give you some more details.
In my state (NJ) the Consumer Affairs lists
“action” if any charges were ever levied against a doc, dentist, social worker,psychologist, doc–anyone who is licensed. But, they never tell you what that action was