Is There Any Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center That Is Available to Me at No Cost?
Question by Misty B: Is there any drug and alcohol treatment center that is available to me at no cost?
Is there a drug and alcohol treatment center that is available to me at no cost and withing my local area capability?
Best answer:
Answer by krazyladee
AA Meetings?
If you need something more, you can contact your county and based on your income, there are programs you can get into for free. Go to an AA meeting, they can help point you in the right direction.
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First 24 Hours in Drug Rehab Treatment – 866-577-6868 – Ambrosia Drug Rehab Treatment Centers – Visit Ambrosia Treatment Center website for further information. or call 866-577-6868 Hi my name is Melissa Angelo and I’m a primary therapist here at Ambrosia Drug Rehab Treatment Center. I’m going to talk to you about what it will be like your first 24 hours here in drug treatment. We understand that you have made a huge decision for yourself to walk through these doors and begin to transform your life and we want to help you in everyway possible in reaching every goal that you have in coming to drug treatment. Upon entering Ambrosia Drug Rehab Treatment Center you will be greeted by our staff who will begin guiding you through drug treatment orientation process. This process will be done with your primary therapist. You will be given a welcome package and in this package you will have a weekly schedule that will show you everything you are going to do each week. As you go over this schedule with your primary therapist feel free to state any concerns you might have. Next, in the drug treatment orientation process a phone call home will be made to your family. We now you family is so proud of you and would like to talk to who ever here at Ambrosia Drug Rehab Treatment Center is residing over your drug or alcohol treatment and we want to make that contact with them. Family is very important and we want to keep everyone well informed about your progress in your drug or alcohol treatment. After this process is completed you will assigned a buddy …
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