Need a Suggestion on a Movie About Drug Abusers?

Question by Nandy Joe: Need a suggestion on a movie about drug abusers?
Well, I’m a writer (that kind of explains my non-sense questions), and I need suggestions for a movie which retracts the reality of a drug addict. I need it to be REALLY explicit, since I don’t know any addicted, because I’m gonna have to base my descriptions of drug abuse and the addicts life on scenes I catch from movies and books I read. Of Course I’m trying to visit some rehab center to gain information and stuff, but I find it hard to believe they’re gonna let me see what I want. Thanks already! hmm, I will choose a best answer!
– I mean HARD DRUGS, not alcohol

Best answer:

Answer by Timmy!!!!!

Answer by Jim
welll… i mean Adventureland kinda shows how screwed up this one guy’s life is, and he does drugs…

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