Prescription Drug Abuse: Stopping the Signs of Drug Use
Prescription Drug Abuse: Stopping the Signs of Drug Use – Are at home drug tests, drug test kits and drug education a part of your community’s efforts to prevent prescription drug abuse? Prescription drug abuse has become a HUGE problem. Why? There are lots of reasons. Kids think that because prescription drugs are legal, they must be safe even though that isn’t always true. Moms and dads can look for the signs of drug use and symptoms of drug use, but without the help of at home drug tests, they may be be at a disadvantage. It’s easy to tell if a kid has been smoking cigarettes, because their breath smells like smoke. But, what does Vicodin breath smell like? What does Ritalin breath smell like? Kids also have easy access to prescription drugs without fears of getting caught or hustled by a drug dealer. They can get them from almost any home, and many do. If you’re a parent, don’t let your guard down when it comes to setting your drug free expectations and following through.
YOUTH RESOURCES: '420' more than just a number
Filed under: signs of drug abuse
The National Institute on Drug Abuse found that 61 percent of people entering drug treatment programs younger than 15 reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse. So what signs can adults watch for if they think a teenager is using marijuana?
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Attentive Staten Island parents are key in youth drug–abuse battle
Filed under: signs of drug abuse
All too often, young addicts get their starts from pills found inside their parents' medicine cabinets, and the workshops are meant to train parents to keep an eye out for their children's behavior, including some of the tell-tale signs of drug abuse …