Recognition and Treatment of Food Addiction 1 – Computer.m4v


Recognition and Treatment of Food Addiction 1 – Computer.m4v – A speech given April 25, 2009 at “Obesity and Food Addiction Summit” Uploaded with consent of Kay Sheppard, speaker. Kay Sheppard, MA, LMHC, CEDS, an addiction treatment clinician who believes that, for some people, refined and processed foods can be as addictive as alcohol and drugs. She is a pioneer in food addiction treatment and the best-selling author of Food Addiction: The Body Knows; From The First Bite and Food Addiction: Healing Day by Day. As a licensed mental health counselor and certified eating disorders specialist, she conducts workshops for professionals and food addicts worldwide. More videos from the same conference here: Visit Kay’s web site:


From Twitter:

googled food that is good for a hangover and now loads of ‘alcohol addiction help‘ websites keep popping up #nothanks !! – by rhiannonthomasx (Rhiannon Thomas)


From Twitter:

Are you a binge eater looking for support and help to kick that food addiction? You are not alone! #fitspo #loseweight #eatingdisorder – by McFatty2McFit (McFit to McFat)


From Twitter:

RT @jGriciute: RT @jGriciute: @Fanipackk I think you need to seek help. you have an addiction ………. to food. lol – by Fanipackk (fani. )