How Do I Quit Synthetic Marijuana (“spice”)?
Question by Chris: How do I quit synthetic marijuana (“spice”)?
Yeah I know. Stupid for getting involved. Now I can’t get uninvolved. I try, I fail, multiple times. Im losing the will and energy to stop.. It causes problems physically/mentally/emotionally/financially. Never thought I’d be an “addict” Help?? I can’t afford treatment
Best answer:
Answer by Mel
unfortunately you are going to have to just stop. stop hanging out with friends that do it. try a 12 step group like AA or NA. call the local salvation army, they will have a list of low or no cost drug treatment programs.
Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 8
Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 8 — This video explains step 8 from the Christian 12 Steps to Addiction Recovery. We are now ready to make a list of persons we harmed during drug and alcohol ad…
Written by Bob Gelfand
Written by Bob Gelfand
Maintaining the status quo doesn't deal with what is a much worse addiction in my view, the addiction to imprisoning people — mostly minorities — for nonviolent offenses. … I'm willing to discount arguments that treat third strike offenses as …
Read more on City Watch
Return of the Ugly American
India's mild-mannered Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared that Khobragade's treatment was “deplorable.” National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon … Writing to her diplomatic colleagues after her arrest, Khobragade, who has denied the charges …
Read more on Republica
Drug Rehab: Do Better Results Come From Narcanon or 12-Step Type Programs? Is Religion Behind Your Answer?
Question by fisherman: Drug rehab: Do better results come from narcanon or 12-step type programs? Is religion behind your answer?
Our problem is a cocaine addiction. Does the 12-step program really demean the individual? Is the narcanon (Ron Hubbard) approach as good, better? Do you have personal experience?
Best answer:
Answer by ZER0 C00L part deux
The Narconon approach will not be as effective as any other detox out there because Narconon does not actually TREAT or REHABILITATE in any truly effective way.
How Can Someone Quit Heroine for Good?
Question by crankystar: How can someone quit heroine for good?
My sister was a heroine user for about 5 years. She is now taking a substitute called “Subutex”. But it seems that people who use the substitue drug are ‘stuck’ with it. How can someone truly let go of the drug?? I am aware that many rehab facilities are there to help people, but in France, like anywhere else I guess, it can be pretty expensive to enter a private facility. If you want to enter other ‘free’ facilities, there is a waiting list, and there is absolutely NO guarantee that you will be accepted for treatment. Can anyone suggest a step-by-step sort of program? Guidelines? Advice? A book dealing on a specific step-by-step program? Please do not tell me to send her to a rehab center. I am currently looking at a center that would be free of charge to her, but in case she is not accepted, I need to know what we could do to help her by ourselves. I thank all my fellow yahoo users in advance for any useful tips and help.
PS: I want my sister to get out of it, as much as she wants it. She is highly motivated.
What are the 12 steps of the program designed to help NA or AA?
How Do I Stop Drinking Alcohol?
Question by Ch: How do I stop drinking Alcohol?
I’d like to stopy drinking. What alternatives are there to the 12 step Alcoholics Anonymous program?
Best answer:
Answer by szahoorbaba
heres an easy one
dont buy it
Answer by spiritualjourneyseeker
Medication – campral