addiction treatment

Where Can I Find No Cost Drug Rehab? We Are Planning a Family Intervention but Lack Resources for Treatment.?

Question by buenogirl: Where can I find no cost drug rehab? We are planning a family intervention but lack resources for treatment.?
Its very unfortunate my sister is addicted to drugs. I think her drugs of choice is herion, cocaine, alchohol, pain meds & possibly meth. We first want to gather our loved ones and do a family intervention that includes consequences. The problem is she doesnt have medical insurance to pay for rehab. We need to get her professional help as a final option. If she chooses not to get help then she will suffer the consequences. We just dont have the resources to provide that final option for her. If you’ve seen the TV show on A&E “Intervention”, this is the direction on how we want to confront her issues. We dont want to contact A&E becuase we are concerned about the after affects it might have on her 3 kids years to come. We try to conceal the problem from the kids as much as she tries to sneak around pretending shes not using. We just dont know……….we are lost!! If there is any free help out there that someone may know of please let me know. Thank You!

Drug Addiction Treatment Center | Rehab After Work | Jenkintown, PA (215) 690-9005

Drug Addiction Treatment Center | Rehab After Work | Jenkintown, PA (215) 690-9005 — Are drugs a problem in your life? We want to help you with your addictions to drugs. Rehab After Work, 801 Old York Rd, …

Cutting Hotline/Helpline? ?

Question by Bellatrix Lastrange: Cutting Hotline/Helpline? ?
I call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and I talked and I felt alot better. The woman, Christal, gave me a number for my county and it didn’t work. Does anyone know a number for a cutting hotline? I think that would be better to call. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Cody
I don’t know it but I just want to say thanks for calling them and making a difference(: good luck and be happy!(:

What Is Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment?

Question by : What is outpatient drug-free treatment?
A. a treatment method that consists of group and individual counseling sessions for people recovering from drug abuse, without medication
B. a treatment method where people recovering from drug abuse live together and learn to adjust to their new drug-free lives
C. a treatment method that involves replacing the abused drug with a substitute that has fewer harmful effects

Best answer:

Answer by thinkingtime
Try the Homework forum.

Looking for a Free Drug Rehab?

Question by bobbie: looking for a free drug rehab?
my husband wants to find a free drug rehab in johnson county or closeby anyone know anything he is addicted to loratabs pops morpheine pills xanex or even soma to keep from vomiting or upset stomache anyone know where there is one?

Best answer:

Answer by Richard

Answer by Andrew
Hi Bobbie,
I recommend you contact TreatmntDr. They have the best rehab programs in the United States. If you have insurance, they can help you. It will hardly cost you anything is you have insurance.

I Have Been Hooked on Narcotic Meds for 4 Years and I’m Trying to Kick the Habit. How Do I It Without a DR?

Question by daniel: I have been hooked on narcotic meds for 4 years and I’m trying to kick the habit. how do I it without a DR?
I get them off the streets and I’m scared for my life. Please help

Best answer:

Answer by nursienurse
I don’t think it would be safe to go through withdrawal without some medical assistance. Here is some information I hope helps you.