Prayer for Drug Addicts…?
Question by MAX CADY: Prayer for drug addicts…?
Please look at this question:
Why did so many people tell this girl to PRAY for a drug addict and none of them mentioned DRUG TREATMENT??
Shouldn’t this person see a licensed medical professional who can treat people with drug addiction?
What Were Your Own Personal Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction?!?
Question by Sam: What were your own personal signs and symptoms of drug addiction?!?
Would you ignore your girlfriend? Not talk on the phone?! Stay inside all day paranoid?! Only talk to parents when you needed money?! Pawn belongings?! What were your lies like?! etc..
Best answer:
Answer by **Ghosty**
Hi – I’ve never been a drug addict, but I know a family close to me whose son was one.
They had to lock down and lock away everything from that guy; he stole money from purses and wallets, he stole family jewellery, he crept up on clothing discarded for the night (when the owner was asleep 3 feet away) to take money out of pockets – he lied, and he lied, and he lied.
Does Drug Addiction Run in Your Family?
Question by babyphatlove0707: Does Drug Addiction Run In Your Family?
Hey all, I was sitting here wondering about drug and alcohol addicted people and their children. They say that if your parent’s are/were addicts than you are considerably more likely to become one as well.
Do you guys agree?
Do you have anyone in your family that is/was addicted to something? Do you think it made you or someone else in your family become an addict, too, just by being related?
In my family it turns out that it was true for us. Lot’s of alcoholics in my family, and it sort of passed down through the ages.
Considering the Statistics Related to Cocaine Abuse, Why Risk Voting for a Pres. Who Admitted to Drug Abuse?
Question by Theo N: Considering the statistics related to cocaine abuse, why risk voting for a Pres. who admitted to drug abuse?
Obama admitted to using cocaine among other illegal substances.
Cocaine users have a higher rate of depression as a result of brain damage.
75% of people who try cocaine become addicted to it.
Only 1 in 4 cocaine users will actually kick the habit without help….did Obama go to rehab?
Best answer:
Answer by carbonmonoxide
Sarah Palin admitted to smoking pot when she was younger. What’s your point?
Opening a Drug Rehab Clinic?
Question by Von: Opening a drug rehab clinic?
A friend of mine recently got arrested as a drug addict and now that he’s in jail has decided to fix his life and that he wants to help others with his same problem by opening a rehab clinic. So please help me out so I can get the information to him on what makes a good clinic, how do you get one started and get the word out, also what about federal funding and getting money. He’s in jail and certainly doesn’t have the cash to do it by himself, also what do you need as far as approval byt the state and what kind of liscenses do you need. basically I’d like to know anything you can tell me to help make this happen, thanks
Are There Low-Cost Drug Rehab Programs in Shelbyville, Tennessee?
Question by cali r: Are there low-cost drug rehab programs in Shelbyville, Tennessee?
We’re really low on cash at the moment, but we really need to get my son into a rehab. I don’t know where I’m going to get the money if we can’t get a discount. Can anyone please give me information on low-cost treatment programs in our vicinity?
Best answer:
Answer by alliyah ld
I’m not sure which drug rehabs are low-cost, but I did send you links that may help you. You can apply for a grant from the government. You can also inquire at various drug rehabs to see if they will be willing to give you a discount or let you pay off the bill at a later date. Good luck.