drug addiction

I Know Someone Who Is Addicted to Meth and Needs Help. How Much Does Inpatient/residential Drug Rehab Cost?

Question by Link: I know someone who is addicted to meth and needs help. How much does inpatient/residential drug rehab cost?

Best answer:

Answer by impurrfect10
It all depends if they have insurance and what type of insurance. Some will pay for the entire rehab and others will only pay for outpatient treatment. There are free clinics in most states. Call your local hospital and ask to talk to the social worker. They should be able to advise you on free or sliding scale rehab treatment programs. GL

Answer by Stephen N
Fortunately for your friend, there are rehab programs for just about every financial situation.

Was Darryl Strawberry Hospitalized Between 2001-5? if So, Why?

Question by JUDITH G: Was Darryl Strawberry hospitalized between 2001-5? If so, why?

Best answer:

Answer by mpasnick
He had prostate cancer. He also battled drug addiction and did some jail time. Here is a recap:

* On April 3, 1999, Strawberry was arrested in Tampa, Florida for soliciting sex from a police woman posing as a prostitute and for having a small amount of cocaine. On April 24, he was suspended for 140 days by Major League Baseball for the incident. On May 29, he pleaded no contest to the charges and was sentenced to 21 months probation and community service. [4]

Data on Drug Addiction?

Question by thecheapest902: data on drug addiction?
I would like to have any data on drug addiction in the world, how many percentage of its people are addicted by country.

It’s better if there is any additional information on drug abuse among celebrities in US and other countries.

Best answer:

Answer by Anna
how many people are addicted


An App to Turn an Ex-Con's Phone Into 'Little Brother'

An App to Turn an Ex-Con's Phone Into 'Little Brother'
“Catch and release and catch” is how Oregon's chief federal judge describes the U.S. system of criminal justice. Ann Aiken, on the bench for 16 years, grew … to be issued to Oregon probationers. It would have buttons tailored to just what some ex …
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Treat, Don't Tweet: The Dangerous Rise of Social Media in the Operating Room
An administrative director at an Oregon hospital, meanwhile, admitted to having to discipline a nurse caught checking airfares on a computer in the operating room. The term “distracted … in the meantime. A surgeon addicted to alcohol or an illegal …
Read more on Pacific Standard

Pasadena CA Drug & Alcohol Rehab 626-788-5216

Pasadena CA Drug & Alcohol Rehab 626-788-5216 — http://alcoholdrugrehabca.org/pasadena/ Pasadena CA Addiction Help Today 626-788-5216 Trying to find a drug addiction rehabilitation? Phone us for additional…