Where Can I Find a Good Alcohol Rehabilitation Program?
Question by phillip h: Where can I find a good alcohol rehabilitation program?
I’ve been dependent on alcohol ever since my friends got me to drink a few months ago. I’ve been thinking of turning over a new leaf, and I was just wondering about rehabilitation programs. I live in Florida and don’t want to go far just for rehab.
Best answer:
How to Mess With a Marijuana Drugs Counselor?
Question by Ian: How to mess with a marijuana drugs counselor?
Hello everyone. So I’m being forced to go to counseling for my “marijuana addiction” and I find the whole situation quite absurd. I’m a minor, but I don’t have any intention of stopping my use of weed anytime soon. Because I’m going to these ridiculous counseling sessions, I’ve decided I want to have some fun and just screw with the counselor and try to mind-f*@k him. Any ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by Claude
As long as you know the side effects marijuana does to your body in the long run, than you’re fine. Just pretend that you’re listening to the counselor.
What Are Good Mental Heath Rehabs on the West Coast?
Question by Jesskah: What are good mental heath rehabs on the west coast?
Preferably in Washington or Oregon.
Best answer:
Answer by D.D
I think you are confused a little……there are no mental health rehabs just for mental health, rehabilitation places are usually related to drugs and addictions. Therapy and mental health clinics, and psyc wards in hospitals are for mental health treatments. You may benefit from a retreat of some kind that deals with mental health issues. The easiest thing to do is google mental health retreats, rehabs, and all that and then call and ask people for information specific to that area.Here are two sites for you.
hazelden.org therapistunlimited.com
Nebraska Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Nebraska Substance Abuse Drug Treatment
Nebraska Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Nebraska Substance Abuse Drug Treatment — Nebraska Drug Rehab Detox | 877-677-4695 | Nebraska Substance Abuse Drug Treatment http://alcoholdrugrehabusa.blogspot.com drug detoxification, drug Rehab, d…
Best Drug Rehab Call Greg Hannley Now (800) 595-3803 for Drug Detox and Treatment
Best Drug Rehab Call Greg Hannley Now (800) 595-3803 for Drug Detox and Treatment — http://www.SobaMalibu.net Drug Rehab Drug Treatment and Detox expert Greg Hannley share his opinions on Larry King about Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan. Gre…
Florida's Trey Radel Receives Only Probation For Cocaine
Trey Radel (R-Florida) announced on Nov.20, 2013 that he will take a leave of absence from his office and seek treatment for an addiction after receiving probation for possession of cocaine. Radel, 37, had allegedly purchased 3.5 grams of cocaine from …
Read more on News Channel Daily
Georgia Drug Treatment?
Question by Christian: Georgia drug treatment?
Does anyone know of a drug treatment center in Georgia that actually helps and can keep the person in after the 72 hour period is over
Best answer:
Answer by pat7770
Hey, look, try the yellow pages under Alcoholism or Addictions treatment and call a couple and ask about that. Good good luck.
Drug Rehab Forsyth County Call 678-269-7149 For Help Now GA — http://www.drugsno.com Drug Rehab Forsyth County Call 678-269-7149 For Help Now GA. If you are looking for Drug Detox Forsyth County GA, Drug Treatment Forsy…