prescription drug

Drug: Mescaline?

Question by pingping: drug: mescaline?
-what are the short & long term physical effects does mescaline have on the body ?

Best answer:

Answer by mother_of_bonehead
Drug Mescaline

Description Mescaline is a naturally occurring psychedelic found in several cactus species most notably, Peyote and San Pedro.

Picture San Pedro & Peyote Photos

How it’s Used Marijuana is smoked in the form of loosely rolled cigarettes called “joints”, in hollowed out commercial cigars called “blunts”, in standard pipes or in water pipes known as “bongs”.

Effects Mescaline causes haluccinations.

Manchin Fights for Measure to Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse in House-Senate Compromise Bill

Manchin Fights for Measure to Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse in House-Senate Compromise Bill

I Have to Do an Essay About Drugs and Alcohol and How Today’s Teens Are Familiar With the Facts and Dangers?

Question by Lisa: i have to do an essay about drugs and alcohol and how today’s teens are familiar with the facts and dangers?

Best answer:

What Can Be Done About Prescription Drug Abuse in America?

Question by sticking to faith: what can be done about prescription drug abuse in america?
just a broad question to get various answers please dont be rude or crude

Best answer:

Answer by ajtheactress
One thing that I think would have a huge impact is if prescription drug companies where no longer allowed to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers. People see an ad and think “oh, maybe I need that drug!” and hound their doctor into giving it to them. Advertising makes people think that using a drug or product is normal and desirable which is something that directly leads to prescription drug abuse.

Caught Selling Prescription Drugs in a School Zone?!?

Question by Mark: Caught selling prescription drugs in a school zone?!?
So here is the story. In December of 2011 I got caught smoking weed at school. I went to court and they just told me to straighten up. Now, February of 2012, I got caught on camera selling drugs to another student. I never got confronted about it until a few days later when I drank a whole bottle of hydrocodone with clozopans. I am being charged with “Public drunkenness, drugs with intent to sell(i think it was trafficking drugs, not sure), tobacco on school grounds, receiving stolen property(cough syrup).
I know this wasn’t the right thing to do, I learned my lesson and don’t need a lecture.
I live in Pittsburgh PA
Remember that this was all done inside of a school zone.
What is going to happen at court?

I Have to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Holtsville, New York, for People With Prescription Drug Addictio

Question by aja np: I have to find addiction treatment centers in Holtsville, New York, for people with prescription drug addictio
This is because my cousin is an ambien addict and I would like to help her get herself treated, if only by finding a treatment center for her. I already talked to her about this and she made it clear that she wants to change.

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