Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Video
Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Video – This is a video I made for one of my classes that highlights the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol use at a young age. The songs in this video are: “Not an Addict” by K’s Choice; “Save Me” by Shinedown; and “Tears in Heaven” by Eric Clapton. I do not own the rights to the music or any pictures included in this video. www.drugabuse.gov www.samhsa.gov
What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us
Filed under: teen drug abuse
As parents, relatives, teachers, and concerned adults, we spend a great deal of our time assisting teens in circumventing the challenges that could be detrimental to their lives. One of the greatest trials teens will face is how they deal with …
Read more on The Chattanoogan
Young teens turning to protein powders, steroids to bulk up: Survey
Filed under: teen drug abuse
Steroids can cause prematurely stunted growth in teens that have yet to stop growing by causing the skeleton to mature too fast and accelerating puberty changes, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Other effects include jaundice, fluid …
Read more on CBS News
From Twitter:
RT @B666S: Can’t wait til my teen drug abuse and partying is dug up and put into my Behind the Music – by candiceVATOZ (Reptar )
From Twitter:
RT @B666S: Can’t wait til my teen drug abuse and partying is dug up and put into my Behind the Music – by tosserflosser (ANAIS PEAREZ)
From Twitter:
RT @B666S: Can’t wait til my teen drug abuse and partying is dug up and put into my Behind the Music – by TWERK_GOD (Magic Xavi )