The Devastating Impact of Addiction. Parents and Students Should Take Notice


The Devastating Impact of Addiction. Parents and Students Should Take Notice – Hear about the devastating impact of addiction and substance abuse from Dr. Stephen Dewey ([email protected]), neuroscientist at The Feinstein Institute for Me…


The cost of being a child of divorce

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

A cross-section of 1,500 people were asked if they had faced a range of 11 circumstances, known as adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), covering abuse, family break-up, being raised with domestic violence and drink or drug addiction. … Norman Wells …
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Students mark anti-drug day

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

The school hosted the team from the drugs unit of the Fiji Police Force to dances and cultural items, while they were educated on the effects of drug use. Mrs Prasad acknowledged their presence saying children were informed and reminded on the side …
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Intl day against drug abuse observed in Samba

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

He said that the students and the youth who are vulnerable to this menace need to be made aware of the disastrous effects of the drug abuse. Earlier, Assistant Controller Drugs Samba, Renuka Raina presented a brief on the issue of drug abuse and …
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