What Is the Name of a Drug Rehab Center in Newport Beach, California?

Question by johnsonf62: What is the name of a drug rehab center in Newport Beach, California?
I am looking for a drug rehab center that specializes in drug addiction help and recovery. Perferably residential?

Best answer:

Answer by Estella Starre
The Sea Treatment Centers 2811 Villa Way Newport Beach, CA 92663

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From Twitter:

RT @dexter27a: Drug Rehab San Francisco, CaliforniaAddiction Centers Programs http://t.co/zE1Pezyl – by rozarbekon (rozar bekon)


From Twitter:

RT @dexter27a: Drug Rehab Los Angeles, CaliforniaAddiction Centers Programs http://t.co/sq2I7Lyb – by rozarbekon (rozar bekon)


From Twitter:

RT @dexter27a: Drug Rehab San Francisco, CaliforniaAddiction Centers Programs http://t.co/zE1Pezyl – by ziesha007 (Ziesha)