What Is the Specific Diagnosis and General Class of Disorder of the Following Case?
Question by vinh nguyen: What is the specific diagnosis and general class of disorder of the following case?
Patricia is a 17-year old female who has a history of difficult and unstable relationships with her friends and trouble at school related to her frequent truancies. When her parents discovered that she had been cutting herself, they insisted she go with them to family therapy where it was discovered that Patricia had been using drugs and prostituting herself to get drug money. When her parents talked with her about going to a residential treatment program in another state to help Patricia stabilize her behavior, she imagined that her parents were abandoning her and attempted suicide by taking a handful of pills.What is specific diagnosis and general class of disorder?
Best answer:
Answer by Mars Mission
Please ask a doctor or re post question in medical thank you.
Good Luck.
Best Wishes.
Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours..
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