Where Is Oxycontin Most Abused?

Question by La_la: Where is oxycontin most abused?
Project on Oxycontin… and i need places like Sacramento, california or whatever.. preferably in California

Best answer:

Answer by Deep Thinker
I can’t say for sure where in California Oxy is most abused but in southern states like Alabama and Mississippi Oxy is an epidemic. Down south they call it “hillbilly heroin”. Drug stores have to have armed guards in many area’s in Alabama. These towns were once safe havens and had practically no violent crimes whatsoever. Between crystal meth and Oxycontin the south is on fire. In Mississippi more people per capita are on prescription medication then anywhere else in the country. Oxycontin sells for $ 1.00 per mg in some area’s of Mississippi. In other words $ 40.00 for 40mg. $ 80.00 for 80 mg. Due some research on the south’s Oxycontin problem, it is interesting reading.