Does Anyone Else Suffer From Shopping/Spending Addiction?
Question by Violet: Does anyone else suffer from Shopping/Spending Addiction?
I’d just like some advice on how to beat spending addiction; any advice really appreciated, thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by apopkaflowerchild
I only get a bit of it right after Christmas. I get so addicted to buying Christmas gifts that I’m still wanting to shop and buy after the holidays are over. The only way that I get over it until the next year is to just stay away from the stores .
Answer by AA
I’m told lots by my mum and dad that whatever i want to do has to always spend money… and i LOVE going shopping…
Just give yourself pocket-money – a little each week/ or month and only spend that little bit on shopping…
Terrence Shulman of The Shulman Center on Shopping Addiction on The Early Show — Terrence Shulman of The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft and Spending on Shopping Addiction on The Early Show 2/18/08.