drug addicts

What’s the Connection Between Drug Use and HiV? Will Addiction Treatment Lessen the Spreading of HIV and AIDS?

Question by annaliese r: What’s the connection between drug use and HiV? Will addiction treatment lessen the spreading of HIV and AIDS?
I do know that they’re somehow interrelated. I was just curious as to how addiction treatment could possibly lessen the spreading of the aforementioned diseases.

Best answer:

Answer by alicia c
Drug addiction treatment would be able to reduce the spread of AIDS/HIV because drugs users are more likely to get affected by such diseases. Treating drug addicts will definitely help. Studies have shown that those who inject drugs who do not let themselves get subjected to treatment are six times more liekly to get infected with HIV or AIDS, as opposed to those who let themselves get treated.

Drug Addicted Family Member and Christmas?

Question by Blundt Cake: Drug addicted family member and Christmas?
My brother is a drug addict. He’s done everything drug addicts do- lies, steals, crashes with withdrawals, lashes out, mistreats people, “borrows” money, blames everyone, uses people, lives in denial, can’t keep a job, doesn’t pay bills.
He has treated my mother like dirt, doing everything to her just listed including standing outside her house screaming and cursing at her and most recently stealing Xmas gifts from her house that she bought for other people.
She has bailed him out for years — picked him up from ER, jail, court, gave him money (thousands!), paid his rent, bought food, etc. etc. etc.

Fate – Story of a Drug Dealer…(short Movie)

Fate – story of a drug dealer…(short movie) — All the characters in this movie are students, of Bachelors in Planning, in School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada… We are Proud to Represent Ayush…

'True' Confessions of local filmmaker Miguel Ali Hasan
“I was inspired by the testimonials of the drug addicts and alcoholics, and I wanted to share my story,” Hasan said. … The movie is funny and moving — all the stuff good movies are supposed to be — but our favorite part is the Academy Award campaign.
Read more on Vail Daily News

What Are Some Effects of Drug Addiction?

Question by zimran!!..: what are some effects of drug addiction?
effects on the person, effects to his society..?
serious answer please..

Best answer:

Answer by Brand X
any addiction is that which interferes with carrying on a normal life.

Answer by silver.graph
It depends on the drug. One of the most common, opoid addiction (heroin, prescription narcotics) is also one of the most dramatic. The afflicted person may feel a terrible itching sensation as his or her body reacts badly to the drug, and yet the force of the addiction is such that the person seeks more. The practicing addict will move between drugged lethargy and miserable alertness, and during the latter his/her whole focus will be on getting more of the drug. School, work, human relationships, and the sense of right and wrong are all eclipsed by the addict’s need for more of the drug. Motivation in all other areas disappears.

Drug Addiction?

Question by …: Drug addiction?
What happens to a drug addict? What damges do drugs do in theyr body?
Do you belive that drug addiction is far more worse thatn alcohol addiction???

Best answer:

Answer by PhatPheline
alcohol is a drug…in the end, it’s all damage and usually death

Answer by Jose t
Drug addicts usually go mad, they lose their lives, no one likes them, DONT DO IT!! It will kill you and if it doesn’t you will be in the hospital. As for alchol they are just as bad if you are drunk you will not be thinking straight and you might make bad decisions (Random sex, Drug abuse etc.) take it from a doctor dont do any of it.
-Dr. Jose

Walled City Circular Garden Land Mafia & Drug Addicts Problem Pkg by Amir Raza City42

Walled City Circular Garden Land Mafia & Drug Addicts Problem Pkg By Amir Raza City42